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General Points:
- Started in 2021
- Last year was 12,000+ Attendees
- 15 Operating Nights
- Dates: September 27 - November 2nd, 2024
- Hours: Range from 6:30PM - 11PM.
- Over 75 Actors
- 25k+ Square Feet
- Features Two Haunted Houses for the Price of One. One is indoors through multiple stories of the National Bowling Stadium, with a huge outdoor apocalypse zone and entertainment area.  With Live music, special performers such as Fire Dancers, every open night.

- Amenities: Two Full Bars, Kid Friendly Cosmic Bowling, Parking Garage (Paid), Easy access to downtown Reno. Just One Block from the Reno Arch in Downtown Reno.

- This is a timed ticketed event. Tickets sell out fast, so get them in advance on! Last year we sold out 5 nights.

- Dark Corner is a sponsor and member of Haunters Against Hate is a nonprofit charitable organization that provides grants to help local nonprofits throughout the country service and support their LGBTQ+ communities, with an emphasis on youth.

- Dark Corner is a proud member of The HAA (HAUNTED ATTRACTION ASSOCIATION) whose mission is to advocate haunts that keep activities on-site and follow standards of ethical, responsible behavior at all times. A key goal of our organization is to promote the safe operation of haunted attractions through affordable, quality safety education and training.

Address: We are located in the National Bowling Stadium. 300 University Way, Reno, NV 89501

Long Form Press Description:
Dark Corner Haunted House offers an immersive experience filled with terrifying live actors, jaw-dropping special effects, and menacing monsters. The haunt employs industry-best methods for creating fear and impactful jump scares, including animatronics and air blasters. This year, the haunt has expanded to twice its previous size, meaning more actors, more animatronics, and more scares than ever before. The theme has undergone a complete transformation, resurrecting one of the most famous malls in Reno's history - PARK LANE MALL, albeit with a twist. The Dark Corner Freaks have altered it into Dark Lane Mall. Additionally, Dark Corner Haunted House offers a full bar and multiple stories of terror.

The set decorations at Dark Corner Haunted House are next-level. The team conjures up some of the most terrifying props and set pieces you've ever seen. The location, in Downtown Reno at the National Bowling Stadium, boasts over 25k sq. ft. of terror.Dark Corner Haunted House also has a crew that adores horror and haunted houses. They're always looking for new members to join their team at their studio in Mogul, NV.

Short Form Press Description:
Dark Corner is an haunted house attraction filled with terrifying live actors, jaw dropping spfx and sets.

Long Form Consumer Description:
Welcome to DARK LANE MALL in Reno, NV - a haunted house experience like no other. Once a thriving mall, now a breeding ground for terror and infestation. Dare to sneak into the abandoned mall for a freak show, only to be ushered into the mall's dark corners where the freaks live and haunting memories of the past still dwell.Survive the shadow plague infection, escape the clutches of death in the Sanitarium, and navigate through a cult promising salvation. Will you drink the elixir of shadow plague salvation, or discover the horrifying truth behind it all? Survive the terror, and you'll exit into a world forever changed. Will you dare to enter, DARK LANE MALL? The horror awaits. Tickets available August 15th, 2024. Enter if you dare!

Short Form Consumer Description:
Dark Corner is an haunted house attraction filled with terrifying live actors, jaw dropping spfx and sets.

Tickets and Event Details:
Dark Corner Haunted House is reopening on September 27, 2024, with tickets going on sale on August 15, 2024. This event is a time ticketing based event. Tickets should be purchased online at Although it is time ticketing, please expect up to a 1 hour wait time. This is to give the best experience possible to all patrons.

Be warned, the experience is intense and not recommended for young children, people with epilepsy, asthma, heart issues, or pregnant women. Atmospheric effects such as fog and strobe lights are used, and no costumes or costume masks are allowed.

Get Your Spook On: Scariest Haunted House in Downtown Reno
Experience the Fear: Dark Corner Haunted House in Reno, NV
Get your tickets and get ready to scream!




Core Palette

These colors form a cohesive and evocative palette that encapsulates the essence of DARK CORNER. They're more than just colors; they're an integral part of the storytelling, each one chosen to elicit specific emotions and reactions. This palette is not just a visual guide; it's a journey through the haunted, the terrifying, and the utterly captivating world we've created.

Primary Colors

Black: #000000     CMYK: 0,0,0,100

Pumpkin Pulp Orange: #ff7300     CMYK: 22,28,0,0

Dark Blood: #671E1D     CMYK: 7,4,3,0

Secondary Colors

Devil Grey: #666     CMYK: 3,0,86,0  


Dark Corner uses a combination of Modesto Condensed and Open Sans for the majority of its typography. Modesto Condensed is a strong font for headers, and Open Sans is a readable choice for paragraphs.
H74 Eastern Star Normal
Open Sans (Google Fonts)